Assuming that you have already earned your VCP5-DCV and you are already aware of which is a per-requisite for this exam let us get on with the subject right away.
If you have seen my VCP5-DT series then you will know that i like to begin with the blueprint first. so first and foremost download the vcp5-iaas blueprint from the vmware website.
Download all the pdfs which are mentioned in the blueprint.
Make a note of the product versions which are covered in the blueprint and then go get some CBTs online.
Apart from
If you have seen my VCP5-DT series then you will know that i like to begin with the blueprint first. so first and foremost download the vcp5-iaas blueprint from the vmware website.
Download all the pdfs which are mentioned in the blueprint.
Make a note of the product versions which are covered in the blueprint and then go get some CBTs online.
Apart from
I also highly recommend (not necessarily in the same order but if you can then all of them)
and some white papers like the those below if you aren't me
vCloud Director Installation and Configuration Guide
vCloud Director Installation and Configuration Guide
Best Practices and Troubleshooting Guide for vCenter Chargeback Manager 2.5
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