Installing a multi
node open stack newton on centos 7
In your vmware workstation create a custom nat network and a
lan segment.
Create 3 VMs with the following VM settings ( do not power
on yet) and mount the centos 7 image.
Using the nmtui (network manager) command assign a private
network (lan segment) ip to all of the VMs. to the controller,
.20 to compute, .30 and .40 to neutron. You can only assign the ip address and
leave everything else as default. You may also name these interfaces as tunnel
and the interface where the primary ip resides (from nat on vmnic0 or network
interface 1) as management.
Ip addr
On all of them and make a note of the ip address of all and
prepare a hostfile like this
<ip addr> controller
<ip addr> compute
<ip addr> neutron
Note: I was using a windows dns server but since the controller
node was unable to reach the compute and neutron hosts with their netbios/short
names for some reason it always failed to start the rabbitmq service. So, I resorted
to hostfile entries.
Once you edit the /etc/hosts with the above host file
entries also edit the /etc/hostname to include the netbios name at the end (as
an extra measure).
Now let us get these VMs ready for Openstack.
setenforce 0
systemctl stop NetworkManager
systemctl disable NetworkManager
systemctl stop
disable firewalld
On the controller node
ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@<ip of compute node>
ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@<ip of neutron node>
we did this to enable ssh to these hosts without having to
enter the password everytime. Test the same by doing
ssh root@compute
ssh root@neutron
and they should work.
yum install -y
yum install -y openstack-packstack
packstack --gen-answer-file=/root/answer.txt
now open /root/answer.txt with vi editor by
vi /root/answer.txt
and enter the ip address of the compute and neutron nodes.
Wherever there is an option to set the password (especially
for admin and other places) you might want to set a password.
After all this is done just run
packstack --answer-file=/root/answer.txt
If for any reason the installation fails with an error
complaining about cannot allocated memory, then increase the memory on the controller
node to solve it.
Now at the end of the installation you will see an url for
the Openstack dashboard. Open it and enjoy.