- Python 3.6 Setup
- Python 3.6 Overview
- Python 3.6 IO
- Python 3.6 Data Types : Strings and Numbers
- Python 3.6 - Data Types - Lists
- Python 3.6 Explore and Inspect
- Python 3.6 - Data Types - Tuple
- python 3.6 Data Types - Sets
- python 3.6 Data Types - Dictionary
- python 3.6 variables
- Python 3.6 logical operators
- Python 3.6 Membership Operators
- Python 3.6 Arithmatic Operators
- Python 3.6 assignment operators
- Python 3.6 comparison operators
- Python 3.6 decision making
- Python 3.6 loops
- Python 3.6 virtual environments and pip
- Python 3.6 getting self help
- Python 3.6 Class and functions
- Python 3.6 Read and write files
- Python 3.6 turtles or drawing stuff
- Python 3.6 Ipython notebooks
- Python 3.6 Handling errors and exceptions
- Python 3.6 GUI with tkinter
- Python 3.6 OOP Regular, Class and static methods
- Python 3.6 Iterators and generators (print, return, yield)
- Python 3.6 Closures
- Python 3.6 Decorators
- Python 3.6 Args and Kwargs
- Python 3.6 Json
- Python Dunder (magic) methods 1 __str__ Vs __repr__ [3.6]
- Python Dunder (magic) methods 2 __name__ and __main__ [3.6]
- Python Context Management - Managing Resources [3.6]
- Python - Automating GUI with pyAutoGui [3.6]
- Lets not forget these
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Learn with me Python 3.6
data science,